Monday, November 16, 2009

This Blog's V-Card has been taken.

Hey all,

This is Communications Czar Kayla here proudly announcing our blog's loss of virginity. That's right, our blog is now dirty, without virtue and unfit to be married, I think that fits our style perfectly.

Now, this is a first post, so I knew that I had to make it special, grammatically correct , and most importantly: Feminist, that's right...feminist. So, what am I to talk about that is somewhat interesting...Well, I think it's be good to have the first post about sex, because that's the base of most of women's problems anyway right?

Yeah, sex in all its definitions presents an obstacle to us. Because of our sex, the position we typically take in sexual intercourse and because of the way our sex organ looks it's caused some friction between us and our male counterparts. You know the whole victims of oppression thing, I don't need to go into all that.

What I really want to focus on today, in this post that takes away our beloved blog's purity is about the often poked fun at, yet for some reason treasured item, MY V-Card. I may not have a Green Card, Credit Card, Blockbuster Membership Card but I do have something much better that unfortunately isn't an actual plastic card(We should make some) which is obviously my virginity.

According to society, my virginity is my worth. While times have changed and premarital sex is more or less accepted in American Culture, there's still a special mystique and awe about my untouched rose that make people go wild. Think about it. And now you will see the theme of this blog:

3 Small Ideas, from a small mind about why America loves my V-CARD.


Ever notice in movies or in news stories or in basically everything how men go wild about the prospect of getting it on with a virgin. I mean, something about virginity drives men to want to have sex with a woman even more, it's weird. I'm wondering, is sex less enjoyable with someone who's experienced? Or is it something else? (coughsocietycough)


You may have thought sex sells, but unsexed sells more. Look at Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Vannessa Hudgens, and all of the other picture perfect Disney Starlets. The most interesting thing about them isn't their "talent"(I am using that word loosely) but the fact that these girls are untouchable porcilean dolls. Everytime these girls are doing something a little racy or seemingly provactive the American populus outrages and calls these poor girls dirty whores. Hardly fair in my opinion when Taylor Lautner is seen scantly clad everywhere you look, not that I mind but still, not fair.


Virginity isn't this new fad everyone talks about and it's ALWAYS been as important as it is now. American culture may take root in the rugged individualist, however for a VERY long time women were left out of society no matter how they tried to contribute to it or change it for the better. Women were valued for their virginity, and they still are because and I know it's cliche but, old habits die hard.

Hopefully, as people start losing their virginity more and more or as people start realizing that sex isn't all that special, things will start to change for the better in regards to the whole "a woman's worth is her virginity" thing.

But for now, This Blog's V-CARD has been taken, Now I have two.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I tried to post a comment, but it failed me.

    Well, I'm not sure he was ever gone. But I just haven't called you that in so long! xD.

    I totally enjoyed this blog post! I'm so happy that you've now got a public outlet for all your witty humor . And what a good topic to start with, haha. Well said, man, well said.

    This is going to be my favorite blog to read. I can already tell, haha. Ima bookmark this and RSS Feed it to my inbox too. :]

    And my V-card is going to stay with me awhile, actually. So... WORD. XD.

  3. excellent and auspicious beginning for TYFC!
